mga kwento ng kababalaghan, katalinuhan, kabobohan, kabanalan, kademonyohan, kagaguhan,katinuan, at marami pang iba!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Many a man have come to conclusion that multifarious an object
can only be seen in the surrounding light.
In our world today, full of the fruits of man’s prowess, things that are essential to the greater good of man remain hidden amongst the darkness of his innermost desires.
The fruits of man’s productivity have proven useless against the darkness of reality
Xanadus built distinguishing the different societies of the world.
The elites are elated as the majority drop on their knees begging for the left over of the rich and the lies of the “helpful” governing parties.
So, what points out such an illusionary statement?
Man has come to the age while he is on top of everything that he tries to eschew these pains of reality.
The blinding of the vigilant and the enlightened.
The muting of the voiced
The deafening of the heard.
Man is great not so
Man has used his intelligence rightly never
Man has truly loved man really not.
Man would never improve for the worst, hopefully yes
There is still the chance for equality and equity.
Just do what ought be done.


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